An Old Flame
A friend of mine has a molding shop and he runs thousands of board feet of lumber every year. When he finds an exceptional plank he sets it aside for people like me. I bought a maple plank from him 7-8 years ago and it got lost in the stack of other nice boards in the shop. This plank is flame maple, since I’ve had it so long, it’s an old flame.
Flame maple is also called tiger maple and fiddleback maple. There are as many descriptions of this figure as there are websites about wood. Flame/fiddleback/tiger maple is prized by luthiers and is often used on the back of accoustic guitars, on the body of electric guitars (like the famous Gibson Les Paul guitar). Cabinetmakers use it for drawer and cabinet fronts and for tables of all kinds, often as a veneer.
The figure is chatoyant (similar to a cat’s eye gemstone). It is caused by abrupt changes in the grain direction. when turned in the light the “stripes” appear to move and look almost three dimensional.
It is best worked with very sharp tools taking a small bite. It is inclined to chip and tear out. The extra care it takes to work this beautiful wood grain is most often the reward of a spectacular piece.
So call it tiger, flame or fiddleback, I don’t care, just let me be lucky enough to find my fair share of it.
#1958 Flame Maple Wooden Bowl
#1958 Flame Maple Wooden Bowl
#1958 Flame Maple Wooden Bowl