My Favorite Partner
My favorite shop partner, my wife Pennie, is on vacation this week. She has been crafting like a madwoman but I got the pleasure of her company in the shop this morning. She is an organizing fool. Her first project was to reorganize the hundred and fifty or so dry bowls waiting to be finish turned. They take up about 25% of the space in the turning room.
She also cleared my work table, a 4’ X 8’ table that gets cluttered pretty quickly. I’ve been sorting screws, nuts and bolts and putting them in clear plastic jars with lids. It’s kind of fun for the first hour. I’ve got cans, cups, buckets and other assorted containers that are full of loose fasteners that have accumulated over the years. Most of them are sorted now.
I made two bowls today and am nearly finished with a third one. I made a cute cherry bowl and a quartersawn red oak platter. I cut up several planks and made them into bowl blanks. Several small white oak, two cherry and a few maple. I’ll start on them tomorrow.
The red oak platter came out well. It is pictured below.
#2002 Quartersawn Red Oak Platter