The Very Last One!

When I get a beautiful plank I try to ration it. I make one bowl then return the plank to the wood room. Eventually I use up the plank. I’m always a little sad when I make the last bowl from a special plank. I did that today. It was a 6/4 walnut board 17 1/2” wide. I haven’t seen many walnut boards that wide in my many years as a woodworker.

I turned a platter from that plank last week and a friend bought it right away. I had to make another because the platter was so beautiful. This one is at least as pretty. I’m pretty sure this one will sell right away as well. There is enough of the plank left to make one or two small bowls.

There will be more planks in my lifetime. I still have many special ones in my wood room in the shop. I will bring one out every month or so and cut off enough to make one bowl. For me it’s like getting a very expensive piece of chocolate and only eating a small bite once a month. It makes it last longer and makes it more special.

So here it is, the very last black walnut platter from that very special walnut plank.

#2032 Very Large Black Walnut Wooden Platter

Here is the one I made a week or so ago.

#2028 Extra Large Black Walnut Wooden Platter SOLD OUT


Makore - Tieghemella heckelii


Boxelder - Box Elder - Acer negundo