They're Backing Up!

When you sell almost exclusively on the internet, pictures of your product are vitally important. As such, I have a special area to photograph my pieces, a very fine camera, a great lens and a good lighting system. The camera is connected to the lighting system by a sync cable. Yesterday, the sync cable (my second so far) went bad. It seems the male fitting that plugs into the camera has gotten loose, no longer making good contact. I have a tool to repair the fitting but no amount of searching resulted in the discovery of where I put the tool. I have a backup of everything, including my previous camera, replacement bulbs for the flashes but no spare sync cable and no repair tool.

The bowls waiting to be photographed are backing up. A new sync cable is on the way (thank you Amazon) so Saturday I can take some pictures and put some bowls up on my website. Until then, they’re backing up!

I did order two sync cables this time so I will have a spare when this happens again, and it will. I just hope when it happens next time that I can remember where I put the spare!

I had a visitor in the shop today. The man I bought the forklift from found some parts to it in his shop and brought them to me. He is a retired dentist and longtime woodworker. I took him on a tour but mostly he played with Oscar. I’m sure Ron is going to sleep well tonight, he certainly tuckered out Oscar!

A tuckered out Oscar resting on his bed.


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Makore - Tieghemella heckelii