What's in a name?

When I first opened my website there were only dot.com’s. Someone had already taken sanderswoodworking.com. I was very disappointed. The person that had that domain name had a website with very little content and no new content in several years. I reached out to him but he didn’t want to “sell” me the name. I became sandersfinewoodworking.com. Way too many letters to type in but my company name had been Sanders Woodworking for 30 years and I thought it was important to have my company name in the domain name. I checked back with him almost every year to see if he would let me “buy” the domain name but the answer was always no.

With the advent of new domains like net, .biz and so forth I purchased sanderswoodworking.net. Both addresses were directed at my website. The .net domain was new and I’m not sure how many people gave up trying to find me.

Finally this January, sanderswoodworking.com became available after twelve years. I bought it.

So look for me at :




You will be directed here to this website. Thank you for your patience and for putting up with all of the confusion. What is in a name?


Nostalgia - Puzzled!


It's Been Awhile