Old One Eye
Though it’s too early to know for sure, the cataract surgery on my right eye this morning seems to have been a success. It was done a couple of hours ago and the surgeon was pleased with the outcome. It will be a day or two before the vision in my right eye comes into focus. I’m not to bend over or pick up anything heavy for a week. Someone else will have to take out the trash.
My dog missed me. He gave me a full body sniffing when I got home. The clear plastic patch on my eye didn’t seem to bother him much.
I still have one eye to do but this time I will know what to expect. It was kind of like looking into a very intensely lit kaleidoscope. Though I had no sense that I was doing so, the doctor fussed at me for moving my head during the procedure so it’s possible that the new lens is implanted in my nose. I hope not.
Looks like I will lose another week or ten days in the shop. There are worse things.
Thanks to all who wished me well. I am a tough old bird and I will be making more bowls in good time.