It’s The Little Things
Sanders Woodworking is a family business. Both of my sons, Nathan and Stephen, help in the shop on occasion, my daughter Sarah helps update the website and and my daughter Dianna gives me photography lessons. My wife Pennie does the most, signing the bowls, packing them safely in totes until they sell, packing them to ship and gift wrapping them when the occasion arises. She also helps with cutting boards and puzzles.
What To Do When This Happens
I source almost all of my wood locally. More and more friends and neighbors are on the lookout for downed trees and burls. Some are given to me, some I buy but most are local.
Occasionally I purchase exotic wood. This bowl was made from a piece of Greek olive wood. A big hardwood supplier opened in NC last year and I went to the grand opening. To support this local business, I bought a few bowl blanks including this one.
What Am I Waiting For?
Above is a picture of two pallets of mulberry burls (plus a few cherry burls) that my son Stephen gave me for my birthday three years ago. I have tried several times to get them cut up into bowl sized chunks so I can turn them. Something always happens. I got a very large pecan log, then a huge maple log, several dogwood logs and two big loads of of walnut and maple.
Below is a small mulberry burl bowl that is representative of the burls on the pallets. So I ask again, what am I waiting for?
Something a Little Different – A Work In Progress
This is a walnut platter that I am finishing. I have added a ridge on the flat rim. I’m not sure I like the look but I love the feel in my hands. It just kind of happened as I was turning the top and I decided to enhance it and leave it. What do you think?
Some Bowls Are Just Striking
I love this bowl. I loved it as soon as I started turning it. I like the green, I love the purple, the shape is just right and the contrasting colors are sensational. It has an undercut rim that helps keep the salad in! It will serve 2-4. It has a food safe, natural, walnut oil finish.
Labor Day Sale – Free Domestic Shipping On Orders of $100 or More on my ETSY site.
Ok, you saw my blog on free shipping, here is the trial balloon. I need to see if it has legs. Order $100 or more on the same order and use LABORDAY in the coupon code at check-out to receive free domestic shipping.
She’s Almost Always Right
I got an inquiry about a very expensive bowl in May from a repeat customer. He wanted to buy the bowl as a gift for the landlord of his upscale business. I have sold him a number of expensive bowls and cutting boards in the past, even hand delivering several of them.
Free Shipping
According to the new CEO of ETSY, the number two reason people don’t buy an item on the internet is the cost of shipping. He also said everybody knows that there is no such thing as free shipping. He wants ETSY sellers to offer free shipping. He did not offer us anything in return, like negotiated rates for sellers that offer free shipping or discounted fees. The cynic in me first focuses on the benefit to ETSY; more sales, more traffic, increased revenue with no out of pocket expense.
Going For It
This December I will leave behind 36 years of working in the industrial air pollution control industry, including the last 24 years with W.L. Gore & Assoc., Inc. I will shift to full-time bowl turner. I have been turning bowls professionally since 2008 and selling them primarily on the internet through my own website, ETSY and Amazon Handmade so I have a pretty good head start on making a living as a woodturner.
Dallas – The Heat Is Off
I am visiting Frisco, TX, near Dallas, TX, and the record heat (40 days over 100 degrees) ended today. It was just 96 today. It will go back to 103 tomorrow but I’m flying home. Good bye Dallas.
Here’s a hot bowl I finished the other day. It’s made out of magnolia. I love the dark demarcation lines on every growth ring. Enjoy.
We’re here! Where’s the sun?
First Florida stop is Longboat Key near Sarasota. We stopped to visit with my webmaster. He built and maintains Sanders Fine Woodworking. There isn’t a nicer, smarter man on the planet. We met for dinner last night and will visit he and his family today. We are so lucky to have such good friends.
My definition of a vacation is working long hours in the shop making beautiful things out of wood. My wife’s idea of a vacation is walking on the beach looking for shells. We are compromising. We are off to Sanibel Island, Florida which is reputed to have the best shell beach in the world. When we get back, I’ll make bowls for a few days before I go back to my day job. My daughter and her beau will house sit and feed and care for the animals while we’re gone.
For whom the bell tolls
I keep making bell shaped bowls. Some wood just lends itself to that shape or I am fixated on bells, I don’t know which.
When I started my ETSY site,, I only listed a few pieces. Sales came pretty quickly so I added every new piece as I made them. I forgot to go back and list earlier pieces. I just discovered that 60 or more pieces were never listed on ETSY. Here’s one I just listed.
The Core Issue
I got another batch of veneer cores and I’m trying to decide what to make out of them. First I had to look at them for a few weeks. Yesterday I couldn’t stand it and I cut the first blank. Below is the Birdseye Maple Hollow Form I made from that first blank. I also have an inquiry about a bowl made from the same core. Veneer cores are hard to come by and I feel some responsibility to make them into something that shows off their beautiful figure.
Back To School
Last week I attended a course at the John C. Campbell Folk School in Brasstown, NC. The course was on turning footed bowls, platters and vessels. The process involves turning the inside and some of the outside of a piece and power carving the rest.
Go Figure
I found a shop on ETSY today that is selling sanded pieces of wood with an oil finish. They cut a natural edged board with a chop saw, sand it. oil it and take pictures of it. While some pieces have figure, most are plain grained. I am astounded at what people will buy and how much they’ll pay for it. That’s not really sour grapes, it’s just go figure.
Happy Thanksgiving
In honor of the holiday, I made platters today. The first was really more like a plate. It’s mineral stained poplar and has the blackest black I’ve seen in poplar. It runs from cream to green to brown and black. It is a very pretty plate. The platter is a piece of curly ash. It is gorgeous. The figure is heavier on one side but it’s balanced and beautiful.
Not my day
Got up early this morning, put three bowls up on my website and made it to the shop by 7:00 AM. Turned through the wall on a pretty hollow form, that’s one. Put another piece of beautiful maple on the lathe and turned another beautiful hollow form.